Ordering Loss Runs 101 – Strategy

Have you ever had a client ask for loss runs? What did you do? You likely got Acord forms updated, and promptly sent out to market. … Read More

Leveraging Reports

Leverage (verb) – use something to maximum advantage. This is why the Class and Carrier Reports were built, a means for an agent to maximize their advantage in a new business opportunity. … Read More

2022 – Q2 Updates – Multi-State Search now Available, Tweaks to TalkPoint and AgencyDash

Searching multiple states is now supported. Added more sorting options for the list view and tweaked TalkPoint. … Read More

Travelers WC Market Report 2022

Travelers’ largest sector is the Services industry, accounting for 47% of their WC portfolio. They’ve been most aggressive on Retail Stores and Schools … Read More

Hartford WC Market Report 2022

Hartford’s largest sector is the Services industry, accounting for 57% of their WC portfolio. Standout growth in NY, FL and NJ. … Read More

2022 – Q1 Updates – CRM Base Integrations, TalkPoint, Numerous Tweaks

CRM Integrations are available for beta testing. TalkPoint, Carrier Comparison and numerous improvements await. … Read More

Skip the Underwriting Submission Line

Ever make a submission 90 days out, only to get a declination 30 days before the renewal? Why couldn’t they tell you this day 1? Odds are they didn’t have a way to make a snap judgement without spending an hour looking through your apps..that’s where the summary comes in handy… … Read More

What is an LCM? The Producer Asked..

In our business, and sales in general, success and opportunity is measured on relative advantage. The LCM is the relative. … Read More

2021 – Q3 Updates – OSHA & Carrier Report, AgencyDash, url/profile Link Editing, Enhanced Class Descriptions

The OSHA Report got a face lift to make it WAY easier to read. Carrier Report is revamped and optimized for each state’s data availability. Users can now edit or add websites or contact profile links. Benefits interface now has list view icons. Even the Class Lookup pages got an enhancement. Check it out. … Read More

Loss Costs & Loss Cost Multipliers

What is a Loss Cost? What is a Loss Cost Multiplier? As a Commercial Insurance Producer, why is this information important to me? Grab that ‘world’s best insurance agent’ mug, fill it up with some cheap office coffee and lets get cracking. … Read More