This year we’re kicking off with Notifications. New OSHA violation? Rate increase? Added Locations? Be the first to know. Our new notification feature tracks businesses in your saved searches, groups or any business you’ve flagged. Notification type and which lists you’d like tracked can be adjusted in the Settings menu. KB article here.

Location Schedule Exporting
You can now export a location schedule from the Locations tab. Just click on the orange icon in the upper right corner. KB
We also added the year the location was added for growth insights.
Single Record Exporting
Want to export that 1 record on your list of 200? Now you can. Sorry it took so long. Look for the new icon in the bottom tray of the modal. KB
On Deck
We have a Zapier app releasing soon. So, if you use one of the many CRM systems we do not have a direct integration with, this could be a good option. AgencyZoom anyone? Dialers, spreadsheets, the list goes on.
New reports coming to the tools section. This will allow users to view class and carrier data across our entire footprint, with the ability to drill down and filter by state, class/sic and more.
Search menu updates and enhancements are being worked on, as well as some outstanding bug fixes with the app link’s in calendar events.