Insurance transactions at the industry and individual class code level rarely match surface level trends. These reports break down the WC carrier markets’ behaviors and appetites over a 5 year period. Year over year volume and rate trends, premium increases and decreases, top classes written, new business vs. renewal business cohorts, who do they compete against and who has the upper hand.
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15% Growth in policy volume, 2x prior year
Based on LCM filings, most competitive on Restaurants (9082) for new business with a 17% rate decrease
LCM’s averaging 1.37 to 1.65 most recently
Based on Premium, also most competitive on Restaurants at a 10% average premium decrease for new biz
Renewal decreases indicate a willingness to fend off competition
BCBS of MI (aka Accident Fund)
10% Decline in policy volume compared to prior year
Rates have been climbing since early 2021
Schools/Churches & Social Services are hot classes
Berkshire Hathaway
13% growth in policy volume for 2022
Construction is 36% of their book, however Attendant Care/Home Health is the single largest class they write
7-14% rate increases in their top classes
averaging 11% premium decrease on new biz Trucking
2.3% decline in policy volume ending 2022
Notable growth states include NY & TX
Rates coming in between 1.432 and 1.6 toward year end
Chubb is coming in 24% low (premium) on new biz for Retail Stores & Oil Still Erection
2.5% decline in policy volume capping a 4 year losing streak
53% Services industry
Delivering 3-9% rate increases on renewals
Averaging 11% Premium decreases on Electrical Contracting renewals (fighting competition)
10% growth capping off a 4 year win streak with significant growth in NY (55%)
Aggressive rate filings coming in between 1.261 and 1.312 toward year end
Very aggressive in securing new business across the Retail & Services sectors
Schools/Churches and Hotels seeing an average 25% premium decrease on new biz
1.8% growth in policy volume. Sliding 4% in PA, offset by 25% growth in TN
30% Construction despite a 2 year decline in the sector
Rates trending up, remaining competitive at 1.47 to 1.51
Sheet Metal shops appear to be in their cross-hairs
Notched 7% growth adding to a win streak
55% services with a sweet spot for Physicians
Average 15% rate decrease on new biz Physicians
Veterinary hospitals enjoyed an average 15% premium decrease on new biz through 2022
10% increase in policy count with NY, FL and AZ having standout growth
55% Services sector
Rates showing a diverging pattern, ending the year 1.49 to 1.81
9% premium increases on class 8018 and 6% for 9082 renewals
Liberty Mutual
7% slide from 2021. Decline in larger markets of IL and NJ
Notable classes include Fast-Food Restaurants and Trucking risks
May be using increased rates to offset premium erosion due to lower exposure within customer base
Construction is coming off 2 years of double digit increases, ending the year slightly under par