SIC Code Lookup

Metal Coating


Class Code


Metal Coating


Establishments primarily engaged in performing the following types of services on metals, for the trade: (1) enameling, lacquering, and varnishing metal products; (2) hot dip galvanizing of mill sheets, plates and bars, castings, and formed products fabricated of iron and steel; hot dip coating such items with aluminum, lead, or zinc; retinning cans and utensils; (3) engraving, chasing and etching jewelry, silverware, notarial and other seals, and other metal products for purposes other than printing; and (4) other metal services, not elsewhere classified. Also included in this industry are establishments which perform these types of activities on their own account on purchased metals or formed products. Establishments that both manufacture and finish products are classified according to the products.
  • Bonderizing of metal and metal products, for the trade
  • Chasing on metals for the trade, for purposes other than printing
  • Coating (hot dipping) of metals and formed products, for the trade
  • Coating and wrapping steel pipe
  • Coating of metals with plastics and resins, for the trade
  • Coating of metals with silicon, for the trade
  • Coating, rust preventive
  • Dipping metal in plastics solution aa a preservative, for the trade
  • Enameling (including porcelain) of metal products, for the trade
  • Engraving jewelry, silverware, and metal for the trade: except
  • Etching on metals for purposes other than printing
  • Etching: photochemical, for the trade
  • Galvanizing of iron and steel and end formed products, for the trade
  • Japanning of metal
  • Jewelry enameling, for the trade
  • Lacquering of metal products, for the trade
  • Name plates: engraved and etched
  • Painting (enameling and varnishing) of metal products, for the trade
  • Pan glazing, for the trade
  • Parkerizing, for the trade
  • Phosphate coating of metal and metal products, for the trade
  • Retinning of cans and utensils, not done in rolling mills
  • Rust proofing (hot dipping) of metals and formed products, for the
  • Sherardizing of metals and metal products, for the trade
  • Varnishing of metals products, for the trade

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Cross Reference

Find industry codes related to the SIC Code 3479. This includes General Liability, NAICS, and state and NCCI Class Codes.

General Liability (GL)

51869 China, Porcelain or Earthenware Mfg.
52660 Engraving
53803 Galvanizing or Tinning


332812 Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and Al

NCCI Class Code

4352 Engraving
3373 Galvanizing or Tinning--Not Electrolytic.

CA Class Code

3131 Tag, Button or Fastener Mfg.
3372 Electroplating

DE Class Code

0281 Printing.
0402 Smelting And Galvanizing
0449 Electroplating

MI Class Code


NJ Class Code

4352 Engraving
3373 GALVANIZING or Tinning – not electrolytic NPD

NY Class Code

4352 Engraving

PA Class Code

0281 Printing.
0402 Smelting And Galvanizing
0449 Electroplating

TX Class Code

4351 Photoengraving
3372 Tinning or Galvanizing

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