Workers Comp Class Code & Rate Lookup

What are Workers Comp Class Codes?

Workers Comp Class Codes are a way to group together various types of businesses that have similar (risk) characteristics. At a state level the experience (premiums, losses, etc.) of businesses within a class are analyzed by the state’s respective rating bureau (many using NCCI) to determine expected cost of losses, otherwise known as the Loss Cost or Base Rate (in a competitive rate market). For more information, check out this post on Loss Costs & Loss Cost Multipliers.

Many Class Codes have more than one description. In fact, there are an average of 327 classes in use for a given state, with 1,400 descriptions. That is why we developed a look up tool for all producers.

Use the search box above to search all available states by class code or description. You can also click on a state below to pull up active class codes in your state. Click on a class code to pull up a state specific market report including a historic look at the carriers competing for business, their market share and more!